Work shadowing by Bureau Kruiswijk offers a professional outsider view on you and your specific way of handling work situations.
Work shadowing means that we will silently and intensely observe you in:
- meetings with your immediate supervisor
- negotiations with third parties
- disciplinary discussions with subordinate employees
The advantage of job shadowing
During work shadowing or job shadowing your specific training goals are monitored in detail. The feedback will evaluate one’s actual conduct, performance in a meeting setting, interaction with others, non-verbal presence, ability to take a stance, flexibility and social skills. This on the spot feedback is an extremely effective approach to increase your professional effectivity.
Meer information
Interested in more details about work shadowing by Bureau Kruiswijk? Please do not hesitate to call us for an exploratory meeting.
- Call +31 (0) 418 554068
- Send an e-mail to